***Monday, April 04, 2016, at 9:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Commissioner LeAlan Pinkerton, Commissioner Walt Kirby, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser. Chairman Dan Dinning was out of the office tending to personal matters.


9:00 a.m., Road and Bridge Department Superintendent Clint Kimball joined the meeting to give the department report. Mr. Kimball presented a written report.


Blue Sky Broadcasting Reporter Mike Brown was in attendance of the meetings off and on throughout the day.


Commissioner Pinkerton moved to appoint Commissioner Kirby Acting Chairman for the day. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.


Commissioners and Mr. Kimball reviewed the Road and Bridge Department report. The department report listed many roads that Road and Bridge is sweeping as well as the roads that are being graded. Mr. Kimball said Road and Bridge continues with sweeping, grading, and using the Durapatcher. Mining Safety Health Administration training will take place on April 6, 2016, then flagger certification training starts the following week.


Mr. Kimball said he will continue moving forward with hiring temporary help to get things done. Clerk Poston suggested Mr. Kimball double check to make sure that expense is in his budget.


Mr. Kimball said Road and Bridge crews are working on ditch cleaning, crushing rock, etc. Mr. Kimball said things are going well at Road and Bridge.


Commissioner Pinkerton asked about the matter pertaining to Northern Lights and Frontier Communications utilities on Twenty Mile Road. Mr. Kimball said Northern Lights is refusing to put a power box in the Forest Service right-of-way and he doesn’t know if it is due to fire or maintenance hazards so the utilities for both companies have been set up down the road a bit and that is fine.


Mr. Kimball informed Commissioners that he was approached by someone who wishes to stage on Westside Road in order to log Forest Service property. Mr. Kimball said there is no access from the bottom of the Forest Service property so this person was hoping to stage topside. Mr. Kimball said Westside Road is nicely chipsealed so does this person need to have a surety bond or cash bond to allow for repair of the road damage that may occur? Commissioner Pinkerton said he would imagine a bond would be needed.


The meeting with Mr. Kimball ended at 9:25 a.m.


Commissioners tended to administrative duties.


Commissioner Pinkerton moved to reappoint Ervin Madson to the Boundary County Noxious Weed Advisory Board with a term to expire January 31, 2017. Acting Chairman Kirby yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.


Acting Chairman Kirby mentioned that Commissioners will wait to reappoint one other Weed Board Advisory member to a term expiring January 31, 2017, as they had heard this person may not wish to be reappointed.


Commissioner Pinkerton moved to reappoint Patrick Gardiner, Tim Dillin, and Phil Allegretti to the Boundary County Noxious Weed Advisory Board with terms to expire January 31, 2019. Acting Chairman Kirby yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.


Commissioner Pinkerton moved to reappoint Dave Wattenbarger, Ben Nystrom, and Larry Copeland to the Boundary County Noxious Weed Advisory Board with terms to expire January 31, 2018. Acting Chairman Kirby yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.


Commissioner Pinkerton moved to adopt Resolution 2016-16. A resolution authorizing the disposition of records of the Boundary County Treasurer’s Office. Acting Chairman Kirby yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2016-16 reads as follows:






     WHEREAS, the Boundary County Treasurer’s Office is currently storing old records of Boundary County; and

     WHEREAS, due to lack of storage space, the Boundary County Treasurer’s Office has requested permission to dispose of old records; and


     WHEREAS, the Boundary County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has advise the Board of Boundary County Commissioners regarding the classification of such records pursuant to Idaho Code 31-871; and


     NOW THEREFORE, upon motion duly made seconded and unanimously carried,


     IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the following records be classified and disposed of as follows:


The following records have been deemed permanent by the Boundary County Commissioners on the advice of the County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and permanent records must be kept for a minimum of ten years.  The following records are to be disposed of in the county landfill:


Ø  Alpha Listing                                        2003-2004

Ø  Abstract Reports                                  2003-2004

Ø  Deferred Tax Due Summary              2000-2003                                                            

Ø  Auditor Certificates                              2005

Ø  Tax Drive Reports                                 2003-2005

Ø  Utilities                                                   2005

Ø  Warrants Listings                  2002 –2004

Ø  Journal Vouchers                                 2005                      


The following records have been deemed semi-permanent by the Boundary County Commissioners on the advice of the County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and semi-permanent records must be kept for a minimum of five years.  The following records are to be disposed of in the county landfill:



Ø  Mortgage Companies: 

     Misc.Mortgage Companies                   2010    Numerica                                  2010

     CoreLogic Tax Services                           2010    QBE                                          2010

     First Am. Tax Valuation                          2010    Umqua                                       2010

     First Am Real Estate                                 2010    UPF Inc. Tax Services LLC     2010

     Land America / Lereta                            2010    Wells Fargo Hm Mrtge         2010    

     LPS Property Tax Solutions                    2010    Work File Changes                 2010

Ø  Tax Receipts           2008 (3 boxes),  2009 (3 boxes) & 2010 (3 boxes)

Ø   Deposit Slips         2007-2008


Regularly passed and approved on this 4th day of April, 2016.


                                                                                                COUNTY OF BOUNDARY COUNTY

                                                                                                BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS


                                                                                                DAN DINNING, Chairman


                                                                                                LEALAN PINKERTON, Commissioner


                                                                                                WALT KIRBY, Commissioner


Reviewed by and on advice of Prosecuting Attorney this 3-29/2016.



                                                                                                JACK R. DOUGLAS

                                                                                                Prosecuting Attorney




Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners

By:  Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy   

Recorded as instrument #266767


Commissioner Pinkerton moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security 2015 Subrecipient Agreement for the 2015 State Homeland Security Program/Operation Stonegarden Grant for an amount totaling $31,700. Acting Chairman Kirby yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.


9:45 a.m., Chairman Dan Dinning joined the meeting temporarily, but Commissioner Walt Kirby remained Acting Chairman.


Commissioner Pinkerton moved to authorize Chairman Dinning to sign the letter to David Byler as it pertains to Mr. Byler’s property associated with airport land acquisition. Acting Chairman Kirby yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.


9:48 a.m., Courthouse Maintenance John Buckley joined the meeting.


Acting Chairman Kirby and Commissioner Pinkerton updated Chairman Dinning on the matter of someone wanting to stage on Westside Road for the purpose of logging Forest Service property below this road.  Commissioners decided it would be appropriate for a bond to be required by this person for that purpose and Road and Bridge Department Superintendent Clint Kimball will be informed of this.


Commissioners and Mr. Buckley discussed matters pertaining to the cleaning contract with Tuttle’s Cleaning Service. The county failed to negotiate the addendum to the existing contract that expired March 31, 2016, so currently there is nobody cleaning the Courthouse. Chairman Dinning said it is his personal opinion that it might be better to hire a county employee to clean the Courthouse instead of contracting this job out, if Mr. Buckley is still in favor of that for the next budget year. Mr. Buckley said he has no concerns about extending the contract with Tuttle’s Cleaning Service, and he added that during the summer the county can put out a job notification for a future employee so the background checks can be done by the time the contract with Tuttle’s Cleaning Service ends in September.


Commissioner Pinkerton moved to extend the Cleaning Contract with Tuttle’s Cleaning Service to September 30, 2016, and to sign the Contract Addendum. Acting Chairman Kirby yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.


Commissioners and Mr. Buckley contemplated hours of operation and rotation of duties a new employee would have.


Chairman Dinning moved to authorize the county to pay for all of Commissioner Pinkerton’s expenses associated with travel to Washington DC for a hearing to discuss the impediments the current land management and wildlife activities are having. Acting Chairman Kirby yielded the chair to second. Commissioners voted as follows: Chairman Dinning “aye”, Commissioner Pinkerton “abstained”, and Acting Chairman Kirby “aye”. Motion passed.


10:00 a.m., Solid Waste Department Superintendent Claine Skeen joined the meeting to give his department report.


Mr. Skeen and Commissioners discussed the pros and cons associated with the cogeneration plant as presented by Sam Fodge during Commissioners’ meeting on March 22, 2016. Mr. Skeen said according to his calculations, utilizing the cogeneration plant would be a cost increase to his budget. Mr. Skeen said if the Solid Waste Department were to haul to the plant, it would cost his budget $98,000 when his current budget is only $60,000. To include all aspects of this project, such as hauling all material to the site and the tipping fee, it equates to approximately $355,000.


Commissioner Kirby said all materials were being delivered from outside sites, Mr. Skeen’s overall costs would drop dramatically if Mr. Fodge accepted everything. Mr. Skeen said it depends on what Mr. Fodge’s prices are as the garbage trucks would be directed from the junction sites to Mr. Fodge’s location. The biggest issue is the small community exemption. Mr. Skeen informed Commissioners that he will still play the market on tires and he added that it costs the county $124 per ton to dispose of tires. Chairman Dinning said the county can choose to dispose of those items however Commissioners wish. It was said the county could still use the garbage in the landfill’s hole to maintain the exemption. Chairman Dinning said if Mr. Fodge starts dumping inert material, is that then considered garbage, such as does the county need to count that or can this inert material be used as landfill cover?


Commissioner Dinning left the meeting at 10:14 a.m.


Commissioner Pinkerton said what Mr. Fodge is asking for is a letter of support from the county, but if Mr. Fodge is going to proceed with the cogeneration plant, he really doesn’t need a letter because he is a private entity. The question is if the county utilizes this process, will it affect the small community exemption. Mr. Skeen said he will get more information on the percentages. Commissioner Pinkerton said with a private entity, the project could fail and then be over. Mr. Skeen voiced concern of the $40 to $50 tipping fee increasing over time. Commissioner Pinkerton said if this project has adverse effects on the county’s operation, we will have an issue. A letter of support is basically meaningless, according to Commissioner Pinkerton. The question is if the county will lose its community exemption if this facility is put in as the exemption is something that needs to be protected. Mr. Skeen said he is still getting information as to what will happen when or if the county reaches the 20 ton per day limit. Commissioner Pinkerton said the advantage is since the City of Bonners Ferry’s garbage would be taken to the cogeneration plant, the county won’t meet or exceed the 20 ton per day limit as the excess waste would have to go somewhere else.


The meeting with Mr. Skeen ended at 10:22 a.m.


10:23 a.m., Chief Probation Officer Stacy Brown joined the meeting to give a departmental report.


Ms. Brown said as of today, there are 24 kids on juvenile probation. Travis Stolley is the new student resource officer (SRO) and he seems very proactive and wants to get started. Ms. Brown said she is excited to move kids in trouble for minor offenses through the diversion program. There are currently three kids enrolled in this program. Ms. Brown said there are 69 adults on misdemeanor probation, which is a high number, and there are 189 adults on unsupervised probation. Ms. Brown asked if Commissioners want her to budget for the next year as if everything stays the same as far as her office’s location is concerned. Commissioner Pinkerton said yes.


Those present discussed matters pertaining to drug court. Commissioner Pinkerton said the aspects of drug court all boil back down to the fact that it increases the county’s budget. Ms. Brown said the best practice is to be involved when a person commits their first offense so that is why the diversion program is so imperative in trying to change the pattern. Commissioner Kirby said you will get to know someone’s true colors through the diversion program. Commissioner Pinkerton said you could see right off the bat who the successes will be.


The meeting with Ms. Brown ended at 10:34 a.m.


Commissioners took a recess until the meeting at 11:00 a.m.


11:00 a.m., Restorium Board members Jeannie Robinson and Larry Hall met with Commissioners. Mr. Hall informed Commissioners that he has scheduled a meeting for the Restorium Advisory Board for this Wednesday at 9:00 a.m., to discuss locating people to recommend filling a position on the Restorium Board left vacant by the passing of Restorium Board Chairman Larry Dirks. Mr. Hall asked the process for bringing forth a recommendation for a new member to serve. Mr. Hall said one of the people interested in serving on the board doesn’t live in Boundary County, but has someone in the Restorium so he didn’t know if that would be an issue. Commissioners reviewed the Restorium By-laws. Commissioner Pinkerton said he doesn’t find any mention in the by-laws that a board member has to be a Boundary County resident. Acting Chairman Kirby briefly reviewed the Restorium report provided by a Restorium employee in the absence of Restorium Administrator Karlene Magee.


Commissioner Pinkerton said he noticed the Restorium wanted to get some lumber for raised strawberry beds and he said he would be happy to donate wood for that. This wood is not treated, but he can get it cut down and deliver it. Mr. Hall and Ms. Robinson thanked Commissioner Pinkerton and Ms. Robinson said she would mention this news at the next Restorium Board meeting.


The meeting with Ms. Robinson and Mr. Hall ended at 11:11 a.m.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:11 a.m.




                                                                                                WALT KIRBY, Acting Chairman







By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy Clerk